Health Services


Sara Speight, RN
District Nurse
Email Sara Speight
(573) 386-2217

Hatton-McCredie Elementary

Melaney Higgins
Health Aide
Email HME Health Services
(573) 642-4333

Williamsburg Elementary

Stephanie Murphy
Health Aide
Email WE Health Services
(573) 254-3415

North Callaway Middle School

Health Aide
Email NCMS Health Services
(573) 386-2217

North Callaway High School

Cheryl Henley
Health Aide
Email NCHS Health Services
(573) 386-2211

When should a student stay home?

Students should remain home from school when they have exhibited any of the following symptoms in the last 24 hours:

  • Fever of 100 degrees or higher (before fever reducing medications).

  • Vomiting

  • Diarrhea

  • Unusual or Unexplained Rash

  • Persistent Cough

  • Ongoing symptoms of discomfort that would interfere with student functioning in class.

Students who have been diagnosed with a communicable disease must have a doctor's note prior to returning to class.

To prevent the spread of any potentially communicable diseases, students experiencing symptoms of illness will be sent home.