Hatton-McCredie Elementary
Melaney Higgins
Health Aide
Email HME Health Services
(573) 642-4333
Williamsburg Elementary
Stephanie Murphy
Health Aide
Email WE Health Services
(573) 254-3415
North Callaway Middle School
Health Aide
Email NCMS Health Services
(573) 386-2217
North Callaway High School
Cheryl Henley
Health Aide
Email NCHS Health Services
(573) 386-2211
When should a student stay home?
Students should remain home from school when they have exhibited any of the following symptoms in the last 24 hours:
Fever of 100 degrees or higher (before fever reducing medications).
Unusual or Unexplained Rash
Persistent Cough
Ongoing symptoms of discomfort that would interfere with student functioning in class.
Students who have been diagnosed with a communicable disease must have a doctor's note prior to returning to class.
To prevent the spread of any potentially communicable diseases, students experiencing symptoms of illness will be sent home.